Imill Tav.

Drow Paladin Lvl. 6-2

Medium Humanoid, Oath of Vengence | Oathbreaker | Oath of Death, Lawful Evil


this is a place holder with old information just to make sure the code moves smoothly. :) This page also holds spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3.

Background: Haunted One
Class Detail: Warlock lvl 2 - Great Old Ones (Bhaal Adjacent) | Paladin lvl 6 - Originally Lolth-Sworn Paladin, Now Oathbreaker.
Race: Lolth-Sworn Drow
age: 102
home: eryndlyn, middledark / slain in t'linhet, middledark.
original class: warlock

general information: after falling prey to the the bloodlust in his head, the underdark bounty on him was heavily fought for by nobility. anyone who could kill him was allowed knighthood. anyone who could arrest him would gain land and titles. anyone who could convince him would be given the title of warlord.
neither happened. he was sold out by those he thought he could trust. but not for glory, for money and freedom. but he didn't go out without a very gory ending. his body, though not dead, was captured by paladins of lolth's embrace. knowing he is a warlock, the paladins had the idea that he had allowed his patron to consume him under a dark pact, but that was further away from the truth.
originally, imill had attempted to make a hexblade pact to become a scourge, however failed in summoning the correct patron. after fighting with that patron, the infernal devil had torn so much of his soul that it left him with days, if not weeks to months, with moments of memory slippage. knowing his own bloodlust would probably do him in, he attempted to fight it the best he could.
the paladins, not knowing this, have attempted to erase most of his already fractured mind in order to rebuild him as a faithful of lolth. his oath to them was to never harm another innocent soul outside of his general job of staying faithful to those who hire him.
unfortunately, that took the eventual turn of his normal blackouts. and after dragging many paladin heads down with him, he eventually fled to the surface.

Proficiencies (+4 Proficiency Bonus)

  • Saving ThrowsSTR +8, DEX +5, CON +5, INT +3, WIS +4, CHA +6
  • Skills: Athletics +7, Acrobatics/Slight Of Hand/Stealth +1, Arcana/History/Investigation/Nature/Religion -1, Medicine/Perception +4, Deception/Preformance +2, Intimidation/Persuasion +6
  • Tools:a priest's pack, a martial weapon and a shield.
  • Armor: All armors and sheilds. Prefers Leather-Metals Medium Mixed Armors.
  • Weapons Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Senses: passive (Perception) 15
  • Languages: (in order of fluency.) Undercommon, Elvish, Common, Sylvan, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Dwarfish.



The Dark Urge.

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images here.