Eien-Imalia Monette.

First Warden of the Free Marches.

Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Neutral, Knight-Enchanter/Fighter, Pesudo Mage Paladin.

temporary side art. commissioned in 2016 by @ NoisyGh0st


This page also holds spoilers for Dragon Age.


Full name: Eien-Imalia Celeste Monette
Alias: Imalia (noted by Dorian or his team), Commander, The Red Fox/Wolf
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 5 Wintermarch, 9:09 Dragon
Place of Birth: Hercinia, Free Marches
--Raised in the Markham Circle of Magi.
Natonality: Free Marcher/Orlesian
Occupation: Warden-Commander of Hercinia
Orientation: Homosexual
Status: Married to Dorian Pavus
Religion: None | Athiest.
Spoken language: Hercinian Native/Vulgar (commoner) Tevene, Orlesian, Rivani Pirate Slang, and Common


Sex: Cis Male
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 195lbs

Eye Color: heterochromatic: right: crystal blue. left: steel grey

Hair Style & Color: It has to be specific. It is required of him. A Monette desires for their young men to be clean cut and shaven for they are nobility and it must be shown. Yet, for House Ravenson, they care not of how the appearance of your facial hair is, as long as it is maintained. Hair atop one’s head is different. Importance has changed. Roles have switched. Warriors and Templars have favored looks and they wish their sons to hold true—therefore it must be cut and free from their faces. Cut how short though? It is something they care nothing of, as long as it doesn’t cover his features nor hide his scars, and most of them find it more appealing to style their scarlet locks with a mohawk or the mane of a powerful stallion fitting for a barbarian and nothing befitting a scholar.
And he’s a SOLDIER whether he likes it or not.

Physique: Stamina must be built for mages. Their arms must hold the weight of staves just heavy as or heavier than that of a sword and/or its shield. He has learned to hold more than he should, keeping up with the heightened metabolism granted by what energy is sucked from him from not only his magic but that of a WARDEN’S burden. Yet he keeps with his bodily appearance for it must be in the best condition given under the circumstances of his occupation. There is nothing nice about a weak Warden—so he must be strong. His athleticism must be that of what any warrior can deliver or better.


Each are stories embedded within tan flesh, wrinkling his skin with gnarled burns and poorly stitched tears. Some spoke tales of masochistic battles in life or death. Others spoke of heroic actions. Burns came about with stories of trial and error within experimentation whereas those greater than a patch of darkened skin came of legendary tales of dragons fighting to protect their claimed land. His scars are novels daring to be read. Those that are graced at his cheek and mar his skin come from a greeting with death down in a caved in tunnel trying to escape the blighted deep roads.

Such as tradition goes, they are always ever so strange. Not all are noticeable, some are quite small. ‘Pon the corner of his sits a marking of décor. Tis acknowledgement of rank among peers of magic within his family-- specific rank, that is, of graduation and specialization. Others hold no traditional value whatsoever, like the blackwork at his throat and chest and the magical runes that decorate his arms.

It has a gentle accent, light Orlesian, but whole-heartingly Marcher. A rasp sits low in his register, yet he keeps his tone fairly kind and rarely does he find himself grow loud. Aside from laughter, one does not raise his voice higher than need be. Though a sharp tongue does wag ‘neath commanding voice. Deep as it is gentle, chord does hold bass yet also tends to keep a soothing rate. Nothing is more comforting to hear, until the Commander loses his temper. [ example. ]


Class: Mage Apostate Witch. (title given once he abandoned the circle by his family)
Sub-Class: Melee Fighter
Specialization: Knight-Enchanter
Weapon(s) of choice: Énigme -- Enigma, a staff made of stormheart and dragon bone, and Illusion, his magical blade. He does own an inherited bastard sword-- Gardien de la Foi -- Faithkeeper, but rarely does he use it.
Preferred weapon type: Swords over Magical Staves. Will often default to halbreds and spears.

Class Facts:

--Templars hold a ponderous hold on his Marcher side of the family. Due to this, he is proficient in sword fighting. It has not only helped with him growing as a Knight, but as a fighter nonetheless.
--It is not uncommon to see him carrying a sword. Eien knows there are areas of Thedas that are still very much against mages -- Harrowed or not.

❝magic comes from what is inside you. It is a part of you. You can't weave together a spell that you don't beleive in.


In battle, his presence is held as intimidating-- stoic and quiet. It is as if he's focused and prepared for a fight. This is an appearance most know well. However, though out of war, that cold sheild seems to melt from his shoulders. Eien is much warmer when he's not fighting for his or anyone elses life. Though still a man of few words, he's always there sharing a smile with others or a drink among friends and allies.

-- Heterochromia is extremely common in his family. Normally found in the mages of his father's side, he actually gets it from his father. His uncle did not obtain the normal eye trend.
-- His tattoos on his arm do glow when in contact with other magic that isn't his own.
-- He has a terribly healed left shoulder. It was broken during an attempt to get away from a bear. Trying to protect a young child, he took a couple nasty blows to get her to safety. It not only broke his shoulder, but broke his nose as well. It is still out of place.
-- Adding on, he walks with a notable limp and often will wear a knee brace. It is an injury that occured during the Blight at the side of his old friend, Shaye Amell (now First Warden of Ferelden). Because of this, as a joke, they have matching tattoos over the scars of their injuries.
-- He is ambedexterious but frequently writes with his left hand.
-- He believes that his light noble ties mean nothing as a Warden. Being a warden comes first over his birth family.
-- During down time of not fighting Darkspawn, he and a few others delivered aid and protection to villiages the best they could for silent residency. As long as people never mentioned the Grey Warden's that lived there, they kept their word.
-- He was once engaged to a Templar. If you ask of his views on templars, it's not pretty to listen to.


Lord (or Knight-Commander) Aeris Ravenson -- Father. Alive.
Revered Mother Sayhone Monette-Ravenson -- Mother. Alive.

Knight-Corporal Hayden Ravenson -- Middle brother. Alive ...barely.

Brother (more so Warrior of Conscience) Veriao Monette -- First Youngest brother. Alive.

Bard Robert "Wynter" Monette -- Second youngest (twin of Veriao). Alive

--Eien is closer with Veriao and Wynter more than he is with anyone else of his family. They frequently write each other, just to keep up to date with things around them.


Drakonis 9:29 Dragon – Though within the group of the younger mages of the Circle, at seventeen, he Harrowed as the third youngest within his immediate family.

Bloomingtide 9:29 Dragon – Leaves the Circle of Markham for Hercinia to live with family to go into deeper training as a shock trooper.

9:30 Dragon –

Returns to Markham with “promised ideas” of returning to not only the Circle for more studies with his magic, but also under tutelage of his own father to join either the Hercinian army or become a protector for the Chantry.

Other than returning to the Circle, he was convinced by his former lover to run with him. At this point, the two spend their time trying to get as far from their families and the horrors of the circle. Captured once, they break not a week later, but on the second capture, Eien is the only one who gets away. Here is when he openly joins the Wardens with no idea of what was happening in the South nor of whom these warriors were. They offered protection.

A month before the Battle of Ostagar, he is made into a Warden-Recruit working hard to make sure that he can prove that he can handle the Joining, even if his nerves are getting on him from rumors of those never returning. A couple weeks before the battle, he is made into a proper Warden (granted he still has a lot to learn).

Rather than getting arrested, under order of his Commander at the time, he goes into temporary hiding until more wardens can be found.

During this time he takes proper training of his classification as Knight Enchanter at 19.

(hero divergent) Came to the aid of reemerging Wardens to work alongside Cousland and Amell to end the stigma against them.
9:31 Dragon –

Becomes Senior-Warden at age 20, gains his familial (traditional) tattoos once his rank as an Enchanter is formally given.

Was one of the Wardens sent in with the Orlesian Warden’s to help push back darkspan in Ferelden.

Led a small team to help with the darkspawn purge of Ferelden. During this same time, he was placed under investigation of a proper rank up for what was seen as “the skill a commander could bring.”

9:33 Dragon – Is made Commander of the Grey of Hercinia at 23 for determination and leadership.

9:34 Dragon – Marries his Tevinter sweetheart.

9:36 Dragon –

Takes up the second class of becoming a melee fighter in order to improve his survivablity.

Slays a Sandy Howler with a combined team of mages (also for fun), gains his dragonhunting marking shortly after.

9:40 Dragon—

Joins the Inquisition under the sole want of finding out what is really happening to the Wardens.


The Enchanter.

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Companionship (a la Inquisition)

at one point I used to roleplay him. so for my canon with my Inquisitor, I joined an ongoing trend of making him a companion in Inquisiton.

Default Tarot Card:

The Knight of Wands
Such a person, when shown by the Knight of Wands, shares his spontaneity and kinetic outlook on life. Though he may seem gruff or even violent at first glance, underneath that armor he wears a warm and generous heart. He will be highly supportive of those he considers friends - and you'd be surprised how high that number can go! He typifies the knight in shining armor prototype because he is always swooping into situations, saving the day and then moving on to the next adventure. This suddenness hides a deep sense of morality and honor; he is always ready to protect those who cannot defend themselves. But he cannot stand to stay in one place for long; there is always more to do.

How they are recruited:

Where to find him, if not requested by Dorian or Leiliana:

Eien can be found fighting off darkspawn in the Storm Coast near the entrance of Daerwin's Mouth. It is the Inquisitor's choice to join and help him fight (even with the unwant of strangers helping him push them back).

If requested by Dorian and/or Leiliana:

Eien is introduced at the Orleasian Ball with little fanfare. He is introduced as a friend and a way into allying with the Wardens.

Where they are in Skyhold:A silent, shaded corner within the Garden. Sometimes he's there meditating with a couple other mages, other times he's reading.

Things they Generally Approve of:Acceptance of other's opinions, bad puns and sarcasm, being able to give advice and a little bit of help.

Things they Generally Disapprove of:Anti-Mage support. He's okay with people being 50/50 on the situation, but having someone dump on his beliefs brings about dislike. General rudeness.

Mages, Templars, Other?: He's in heavy support of the Mages and the Mage Rebellion. He's also in full support of Wardens staying in hiding. Though Marcher Wardens are different and are proud to be Wardens, they are understanding of the current climate held in Ferelden and keep their mouths shut when possible.

Romanceable?: He is married, but is never opposed to friendly flirting.

Here Lies the Abyss: Eien is not accessible during the mission for he has left for a temporary moment to adhere to his calling. He will return to the party after things are handled, unless the Inquisitor "exiles" the Grey Wardens.

Small side mission:The Hunted.

"They are friends of mine, Inquisitor. I wish nothing to happen to them."

There are rogue Templars hunting down innocent Apostates that have nothing to do with the rebellion. He would very much like if they were dealt with somehow.

Companion mission: Dish best served cold.

"I pissed off a lot of rogue rebellion Commanders, Inquisitor... Are you really surprised I have a bounty on my head? You shouldn't be; it has always been like this."

Eien is very uneasy about bringing up any of his personal problems to anyone. He's personally bound to fight his own demons and continue on about his life. Yet, when a problem stems to become worse, he's not sure if he should bring up the issue with anyone, but he just can't leave Skyhold. With hesitance, he questions the Inquisitor to help him...settlean old score once and for all. It's not simple, not by a long bit. He calls it a bounty that's been placed on his head. For any Mage Hunter that kills him, gets a hefty treasure. He just wishes to be free of it once and for all.

High approval grants more out of the conversation where the man has been a literal pain in his side for years. It is a series of harsh betrayal and attempted murder (as well as murder) of those he has been close to as well as his own recruits and himself. Here he announces that per tradition of their kinsmen, in order to redeem the honor of one whom has fallen so far is to fight them and retrieve the hand of his enemy. If many have been killed within this situation, the other must die for honor to be given to his name. The fight must be done in private.

Option 1: The Inquisitor can stop Eien from killing/fighting his brother so the ex-templar can be properly judged in the Inquisition court, under the idea of “more killing should not be the way things are handled” despite how Eien insists how this is normal back home. With this option, he tends to be more standoffish towards others. He forces himself to suck it up due to the fact that he cannot wallow in his own anger. For now his trust is strained but he has a job to handle and will stay until the breach is closed.

High disapproval is given with this option.

Option 2: The Inquisitor can look away, giving them “a moment of privacy” to handle their disagreements as their tradition holds up. Once they do return to Skyhold, there is shown relief (amidst a few scratches and cuts). This was a person whom had brought he and his allies great turmoil for far too long. Here he can take his focus and place it primarily in protection for mages (harrowed or apostates) and make himself a better help to the Inquisitor.

High approval is given with this option. | You learn he does not kill the ex-templar. Maiming will keep him out of sight and out of mind.

The Trial - With option one:

- The ex-Templar, Hayden Tòmas Ravensonn, can be sent to Hercinia for them to judge them under their customs. -- High Approval is given here.

- If given the option to arrest then give trial in Hercinia, it is possible to get Eien to side with the Inquisitor. -- Light Approval is given here.

- Noted as a traitor, he can be exiled. --Light disapproval is here.

- Still noted as a traitor, he can be placed into the Inquisition cells for as long as he "could" be needed. --High disapproval is given.

Tarot card change:

Option 1:The Sun; Removed of his mount, the sun shines on a man with bended knee to only one. Romance card - Not optional. lol

Option 2:King Of Wands ; He is given a crown to show that he has united back properly with his Noble roots, still holding his friends and allies close. Loyalty card


Default saying: (when you want to talk to them in Skyhold, how do they respond?)

"What's on your mind?"
or[insert random unneeded but interesting fact here, married to a nerd gives you conversation starters.]

When during their small side quest:

"Much obliged, Inquisitor."

or"I thank you for bringing me along with, Herald."

Comment(s) on Mages:

"They are willing to do something completely stupid to stay alive. No longer will they stay hidden in order to survive. As long as their voices are ignored, they will continue to revolt. I can make sure that they bend knee to whomever wishes to protect them. You, included, Herald."

Comment(s) on Templars:

"I suppose they aren't all as bad as most are, but they do get rather annoying when they want to talk shit about who's better in a fight..."


Little bird (companionship)

Ami(e) (friendship)

When they are low on Health:

"I swear-- It's just a flesh wound!"


Leaving the Inquisition:

This can only occur if the Wardens are exiled. Then the only problem to worry about is the HOF.


images here.